(Posted on June 27, 2013 by David McMillin)
Numerous Cayce readings mention the "pineal nerve" in various contexts. From the standpoint of mainstream anatomy for humans, their are various possible nerve connections with the pineal:
"The pineal gland receives a sympathetic innervation from the superior cervical ganglion. A parasympathetic innervation from the pterygopalatine and otic ganglia is also present. Further, some nerve fibers penetrate into the pineal gland via the pineal stalk (central innervation). Also, neurons in the trigeminal ganglion innervate the gland with nerve fibers containing the neuropeptide PACAP." (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pineal_gland)
Nerve involvement with the pineal is mentioned in numerous Cayce readings, with connections to the both central and peripheral nerves. Furthermore a "pineal nerve" is said to extend throughout the body affecting all the organs of the system. A prominent connection of the pineal nerve is along the spine at the upper cervical region where it interacts with the hypogastric, pneumogastric, and sympathetic nerves. Connections with the lyden/Leydig gland in the reproductive tract are also mentioned in several readings.
Here are some references to the pineal nerve that I have found in the Cayce readings:
IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, we find in the sacral plexus and from the coccyx end that abrasion and that pressure in the nerve system causing distress to the nerves that brings distress to the system through the reaction as this brings to the pineal nerve, and to the nerves that govern the refractory reaction in the mental that brings the abnormal development in the mental and in the body toward that development. In the pressure as created we find as here: In the coccyx end and to the ilium and sacral plexus, bringing pressure on the nerves of the false pelvis, which pressing on the pineal nerve brings then the whole reaction to those centers as brought in the system in the junction with the pineal nerve's reaction in the organs through which it passes, and the center through which it becomes entwined, as we have in the solar plexus, brachial plexus and at the first dorsal and first cervical plexus, bringing these contractions, bringing these depressions, bringing these forces that find its manifestation in the action of the physical forces and the inability to control those voluntary centers as depressed through these. Not that the brain does not expand; not that the development does not come, but abnormal development through many of these reactions. (4521-1)
IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, in this we find the seat or the cause of distresses in this body. There has been in times back a repression to the functioning of the pineal nerve and gland. This then caused the enlarging of this gland in the body, especially in the base of the brain. In the centers then along the system, where the sympathetic and cerebro-spinal connect, we find these are the property functioning of the sympathetic nerve system, the pineal gland and nerve being the seat of the forces as exercised in the sympathetic nerve system. Hence the organs that are under the repression of the nerve system in the sympathetic receive the reaction in their functioning. Hence we have at times a dull headache of seemingly no cause. Again it seems to be from eyes, or from repression in throat and bronchials. Again the effect is in the heart's action, affecting the breathing in lower portion of the lungs. Again we have the reaction to pneumogastric center and nothing seems to suit the appetite. Again the repression in the functioning and after eating the digestion seems to cause the distress. Again the repression in kidneys and an overtaxing, or a suppression, and the distresses come through these portions of body. This we find then a purely sympathetic condition through the action of the sympathetic nerve system, with a condition existing in the pineal gland causing the distress. (4581-1)
We find that in the region of the 2nd and 3rd lumbar plexuses there have been those conditions that with the age, the development, the change in the body, that the connection between the nerves of the system that add to the genital organism and those of the pineal center and gland have removed the coordination. This produced by this subjection of these centers that receive the nutriment from the system from this center in this, and the reaction and the coordination between the system and the blood supply causes the change between the body and subjugating the body to such conditions as to produce the mental forces to become in that condition of subjugation to the psychic forces in this entity, the body at such times becoming subnormal in circulation, abnormal in nerve supply, and the contraction of these forces produces the unconscious to the mental body, accentuating mental activity after such condition has found its equilibrium, and the circulation and nerve supply coordinate again. The condition in the body has nothing whatever to do with the functioning of the organs of the system as organs, only affecting the blood supply, the nerve forces and especially those connections between the nerve system, the subliminal forces, the subconscious forces of the body, and that as between the physical and that in the pineal nerve and gland.
Then to correct, to bring the correct condition to this body, keep more of the conditions in the body of the correction through those manipulations that will bring perfect coordination throughout the whole pelvic system and genital system, and the nerves that connect same with the pineal nerve and gland; taking at times those properties in the system that will produce the incentive in nerve reaction in pineal gland in genital system, those properties as found in the tea made from Maypop, or Maypop Bitters. These may be found in Chattanooga, Tenn., in Birmingham, Alabama, Five Points Drug Store. These properties would only be taken half a teaspoonful in glass of water about three times each week. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, each week, until at least four ounces have been taken. (4448-1) [15 year old boy, trance walking – altered states, etc.]
In the physical we find the body much improved from that as we had here before. There still is that lack of perfect coordination reached through the sensory organism and the conscious mental forces. Hence, with the suppression at times of the conscious by pressure in nerve coordination, or lack of same, in the gland that centers about the pineal nerve and gland, with this suppression, the coordination of the sensory vibration brings the hallucinations, the indeterminate reaction in mental proclivities of the body, causing over action of physical forces and the pains that come after such reaction through brain proper.
In the mental forces the body very well balanced, capable of being so trained through the subjugation of conscious forces as to overcome this condition, also to give much subconscious, subliminal, reaction that would be worthy of study, and that could be trained properly to be of benefit and help to many. (4448-2)
With the application here of the ray applied (which was not as that given) there has been caused in the first cervical center, or that connection between the pineal nerve, pneumogastric nerve, sympathetic nerve (both ends) and the cerebrospinal in its entrance to the cerebellum oblongata, the reaction and the apparent contraction of these nerve centers in attempting to find their respective reaction in the brain center. (9-4)
The nerve systems in the physical we find that depression first caused in the Lyden [Leydig] gland that pressed, or indentations made on the perineurial and the pineal nerve center connected with the Lyden [Leydig] gland. This then gives the hallucinations in the vibration to the brain center or through the cerebellum oblongata, you see. In the impression as this receives, there comes those conditions of melancholia, of self-destructive forces, of aberrations, of depression as received and hallucinations to all the functioning of the sensory organism, through which these nerve connections find manifestations with the pineal nerve in its course through the system. The excess of these vibrations are producing the indentation or the lack of those in the sensory system. These finding manifestations abnormally. (2197-1)
Hence the hidden conditions as the cause which appears through that of the nerve system. Hence the inability of the body to at all times consciously control the actions of muscles of organs of tissue through the cerebrospinal. Hence incoordination is produced brings or is that condition producing the effect as shown in system as reached through certain centers, as we see in the spinal center, those in the lumbar and in the first cervical. These conditions have existed for times and times back to the physical forces. The effect in and through the nerve plexus is to the pineal nerve, the hypogastric ganglion, the pneumogastric, reflex to the central plexus for the sensory organism, and hence these organs direct come under this influence, and the inability of the physical consciousness to coordinate these functionings at all times….
Organically, in the other organs, we do not find any abnormal conditions except as affected through this condition, so to give the coordination and incentive for the system, the vibration in the perfect physical forces as may be brought to this system, would be to give that vibration in system that will create the coordinating forces throughout, and adjust those portions that produce pressure upon the first cervical plexus, producing pressure on the pineal nerve and that upon the lower plexus as given by those forces applied through the manipulation, and adjustment in that of Mechano-Therapy treatment. The vibration would be reached through the osculating vibration as given to the system through electrical forces that force vibration through the hypogastric, pneumogastric and this plexus as crossed by the pineal, perineum and perineurial centers. (4205-1)
(Q) What causes extreme nervous condition accompanied by severe headache, stomach trouble, soreness of spine, and melancholia?
(A) The inability of system to react, as is given in the first. We find the connections, as it were, through the system of the nerve portions of body, in that of the nerve (pineal nerve, see?) connecting with the hypogastric plexus, which enters the brain in the same centers, we find when this reaction to the system is in its functioning, as it were, the melancholia, the despondency, the reaction to the stomach, all portions of the spine, all centers are retractory forces, as has been shown, see? This, then, is the result of non-coordination of the system through both sympathetic and the physical forces of the body. (4509-1)
IN THE FUNCTIONING OF ORGANS THEMSELVES, the involving of the various ones as involved in conditions come from the cycle of forces in the body and the law of natural forces as goes in the physical, governed with the mental and spiritual of the propagation of self and the forces as exercised to prevent and to keep the body in the active state. The effect as is brought, especially to the nerve center in the lower portion of the brain, that in the pineal nerve, in the pineal plexus, in the pineal center, and in its action through the whole system, gives the effect to the functioning of organs as governed by the action. Hence, it becomes through this a physical, a mental, a spiritual condition. (4988-1)
IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, while the body is very strong in some ways, the blood supply through the red blood corpuscles is being taken up by the white to an extent that is above the normal in the system, and leaves portions of the functioning organs that supply the nutriment in the system that is overtaxed. This, especially, we find in hypogastric and pneumogastric centers, and the plexus of both are involved. Hence the condition in the pineal nerve is affected through that relation as is given between the hypogastric and the nerve in the brain that affects the auditory forces in the body.
IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, we find as these, in the specific condition as causing the conditions in the ear and in the auditory region, both to brain supply and also to those supplied to the nerves of the ear proper in the concha [cochlea?] and in the middle portion. These we find have the blood supply of the condition as given, supplied to the system in its function, yet with the taxing of the nerve system between the pineal nerve, pneumogastric, sensory center, in the third cervical as supplied the nutriment, and the reflex takes those portions from the used portion of the system. This has become clogged and thickened the wall in the inner ear. Hence the sound as is produced in concha [cochlea?] does not revibrate properly in the system. This effect then in the nerve system is a taxing of the whole body, as a whole, and the reaction comes through the blood supply more than any other portion, save that as acted upon properly through the plexus of the hypogastric, which affect the kidneys and the end of digestion in intestinal tract.
Hence the pre-disposition for the system to lack nutriment in the digestive tract. (5719-1)
IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, while there is sufficient in the body for the present needs, the distribution of same is not such that all organs have their correct or normal supply, for we find there are those conditions in the spinal column, those conditions in the functioning organs, produced by this deflection and by these impingements, that hindrances have come and do manifest in some in an exaggerated manner, under which are produced those conditions that are abnormal in the body. These we find in the 9th dorsal, in the 6th and 7th dorsal and in the 1st cervical, deflection then to the pineal nerve and to this center giving its nutriment throughout the system preventing the coordination from the first cervical to the end of the cerebrospinal system, which it traverses, this pineal nerve, with the spinal cord. The centers then about the body becoming and showing their deflection in how the coordination is in the body affecting directly the development in brain forces proper, though under strain, under some stresses, we find the sympathetics are acting through the sensory system until we have an abnormal development through these sensory organs. (41-1)
There have been many changes both ways. The correlating of the pressure as was given in the system in both that of the condition as exists in the system through the action of the sensory system, and of the mental and its attributes toward the physical in its direct connection with the action of the sensories in this correlation brought about the overflow of the circulation in these portions of the system, for with the connection as lies with the nerve center that traverses the whole system and is especially affected in the menstrual periods, with that of the perineurium nerves, and the center of the pineal nerve, these have brought the conditions and the congestion that broke in the throat and nostrils. (325-4)
Now as we find, owing to those activities in which there was a strain to some lesions which exist in the area ABOVE the kidneys, as well as in the lumbar and sacral area, there has been a reverting to the effects from the pressures in the lacteal ducts upon the activity of the glands in the areas above the kidneys.
Thus the reactions that have been caused are to the nerve forces along the pineal nerve axis or gland; producing a spasmodic reaction. (1625-3)
IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, this we find in very good condition, when other conditions that exist in the physical forces are taken into consideration. While the condition in blood force is not a normal condition, it is near a normal condition for this body and conditions existing in physical force. This condition, however, becomes exaggerated at times and brings great distress in the body through slow or abnormal or subnormal, or to the opposite extremes in the body at times. At such times, heaviness to head and pains to head through central portion and through the pineal nerve plexus. (4138-1)
In the nerve system do we find the principal cause and conditions that need to be corrected. First, we find in the pineal nerve center itself an engorged condition, and this in the centers where the nerve ganglions of other functioning organs are joined shows the effect as is produced in these centers, which produce incoordination and at times the reaction, without the ability of the according forces creating the perfect equilibrium in the balance of the system to function normally, so that the involuntary action at times becomes voluntary and vice versa. This we find gives then in the pneumogastric hypogastric center this reaction that comes to the digestive tract, and only being that which prevents from the blood supply being in the normal forces, yet hindering in many of the functionings of the organs, as is indicated in these centers that are involved in the condition. This we find produces then the reaction and the refractory reaction in the nerve system.
IN THE FUNCTIONING OF THE ORGANS THEMSELVES, we find this prevents also the coordination as is brought to the system in the brain supply itself in directing the functioning of all of the sensory system in their proper channel and manner. Hence all of the sensory organs themselves function under the influence of these conditions as created in the centers as indicated from the pineal nerve to the base of body. This we find has been produced by lesions as have been caused and were caused and scar as produced in the nerve tract itself, and the whole nerve itself is larger or abnormal in its size. (4556-1)
THE NERVE SYSTEM, in the nerve system, that is reached especially through the sympathetic, do we find the seat of the trouble, where the entrance of the sympathetic with cerebrospinal and pineal nerves enter the brain, and through the medulla oblongata we find the impression as carried through does not coordinate with the impressions received sympathetically through the sensory system. Hence, the mental of the body must be submerged that the forces in the nerve system may be forced to carry circulation through brain in proper form to create the correct equilibrium and correlation in sensory organism in brain proper to create the correct impressions to the body proper. In this we find this received this condition by two; yea, three specific conditions happening in the system. Under outside forces impressions were received. In physical forces the action was to repress the cell force as entering in the brain forces proper through the pineal nerve in the condition when the shock to the nervous system presented improper impressions to this brain, or sensitive forces in the body. Hence, we have a physical reaction from the sympathetic, cerebrospinal and the correlating of impressions as carried by the gray forces of nerve tissue proper. (4800-1)
These conditions that may be corrected (for there are those that may not) have to do with the eliminations of used forces in body, for we have incoordination through the system, in the nerve supply especially, and this disturbs the mental equilibrium, and the locomotion is affected by ganglions in the body at times. These we find affect directly the pineal nerve and gland. Hence the whole system throughout the cerebrospinal system becomes involved in the conditions. (22-1)
(Q) What causes the fainting spells, and what will correct the condition?
(A) A lack of coordination through those areas and centers indicated, and pressures upon the pineal nerve forces; also the inability of the impulses of those areas to coordinate with the reaction from the areas in the lower portion of the medulla oblongata. (308-7)
IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, this we find in very good condition. There are some taxations in some sympathetic plexuses that produce the taxing to portions of the body at the present time. These are after effects of conditions that have been accorded the nerve system from exterior forces, as we find the effect as accorded the pineal nerve plexus through narcotic or through subjugation of mental forces in the body. In the centers then as these are shown in the system, only necessary that these be given as the same in blood supply. Conditions to be exercised or centers to be exercised in specific manner, that the coordination may be made perfect in the body, and the distribution of cellular forces may be made manifest in the correct manner throughout the system. Especially is this necessary for the coordination in sensory nerve system and in sympathetic nerve forces. (1005-1)
Hence there is a lesion which has formed, that makes a pressure upon the adrenals in their responses to the nerves of the pineal glands and those that make for the responses between IMPULSE and the nerve reaction to forces in the activities of the body itself.
These, then, are conditions that arise as periods or cycles of changes, and activities that have an effect upon the body's physical and mental reaction - in the physical, or in the applications of the activities in the assimilating forces of the body, as applied to gland reaction, to nerve responses and nerve buildings. (1056-1)
IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, we find in this the physical action where the lack of coordination throughout the body is affected, for we find in times back, even at the time of birth, there was a strain brought to the first cervical that produced in this body the strain on the pineal nerve and gland that has [brought] and does bring most of the trouble to this body. For at birth, at presentation, this was an abnormal condition, and in the developing of the body this has only remained in this lack of coordination throughout the system, and in the various cycles of development, for we have reached now nearly three, the changes have come as the developing of the body; in the physical forces have changed in its active forces over the body, yet the mental forces, save under certain conditions, remain near that of the second and third change. That is, there are those conditions that bring the reasoning forces in some channels, and in others refuses to give the full coordination to the developing from the first, second and third stage. (3792-1)
In functioning of the organs of the sensory system, these show the effect of the high nerve condition created at times in system, through the improper coordination between the sympathetic and the sensory system, as is seen by that pressure as created from the condition in and about the lower lumbar plexus, on the pineal gland and its nerve connection in the sensory system. (3816-1)
(Q) May the body recover complete control of speech?
(A) The body will recover complete control of speech when the vibrations are accorded properly in system. We will find the response in the portion of brain here that gives perfect coordination through the sensory organism, for as we find in the sensory system, the power of speech is the highest vibration reached in the whole human system, and the reaction through the pineal nerve and gland, through the medulla oblongata, produces in the brain center the response in speech. The lack of coordination. Removal of pressure, as we have given, is necessary to produce the vibration to receive that incentive for the same vibration necessary in system. (4198-2)
IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, as given, from this we find that causing disturbance in the body. Especially may this be seen in the lowest dorsals and the central lumbar plexuses. Hence those of the lower end of the nerve radiating through the pineal glands cause distress. Hence that condition produced reflexly in the base of brain and in the glands about throat, and the second and third facial reactions - salivary glands, the mammary gland which is secondary, to be sure, for this is to the frontal portion, yet connections are seen from the same resources from the soreness as experienced through this portion of body when this reaction takes place). Those of the lyden [leydig] gland show the MOST reaction, as does [do] the endoric [adrenals], or that about the kidney in their function. Hence the suppression or over activity (for both occur) in the body through these portions of body, or the scarcity of the urine at periods. These are effects and radiations from subluxations as exist, especially in the 12th and 11th dorsal, and the 2nd and 4th lumbar. These produced by conditions existent in periods back, and caused by congestion following the taking of some serum in the body and a reflex from same. (4222-1)
The liver enlarged in order to meet the needs in the system. In the kidneys proper, we find these shrunk, and the nerve from the portion of the system that is governed through the functioning of the organs with the hypogastric that of the pineal nerve gives the enlarging effect in the glands about the kidneys proper, and the soreness in bladder and in the pelvis, produced from the effect of the gland attempting to take care of conditions. (4414-1)
IN THE NERVE SYSTEM, we find the greater troubles here. While the cerebrospinal nerve system coordinates with the functioning of the system, the sympathetic system does not co-ordinate wholly with the cerebrospinal nor with the sensory organism. This condition we find brought about by accidents to the body and the elements and constituents of the plasmatic cell in and before the natal forces. Hence the psychological effect as is produced in the action of sympathetic nerve system with the vibration as is set by the body in its biological effect on functioning system. That is, the lack of coordination in the vibration set. Hence there is deficiency in the action of the sensory system coordinating with the sympathetic system. While the sensory coordinates in part with the physical or cerebrospinal functioning organisms, the body lacks the coordination in the sensory organism and the sympathetic. Then the conditions in the organs of the sensory system lack their coordination in their functioning. The show of this is in the 1st cervical, where the connection lies between the pneumogastric entrance to the brain proper, and where same connects directly with the nerve that extends through the system. The pineal gland's pressure shows the effect. Where connection is made in the 2nd and 3rd dorsal, that connects with the sympathetic and the nerves supplying the organs of sensory system, below the 6th, 7th and 5th nerve of face there is a lack of the influence or incentive to function in a nominal way. Hence the obstruction. These conditions and accidents first at birth, in the manner of presentation, and in the second year, in the dorsal. These pressures show in the physical reaction to the organs then only reflexly, and not as sympathetic reaction, for the present forces function nominally to suggestion through some of the organism, yet the vibration as is necessary to produce the full coordination is lacking in the system. (4559-1)
The cause, as we see, of the unbalanced condition, produced by the normal development of physical conditions in the body against a physical defect in structural portions of system, and also by the prenatal inhibitions in the development of the entity as the whole - the physical condition existent in that of a pressure being produced on the pineal gland and its nerve supply as the thread through the system. Hence the enlarged condition existent in gland proper, and that produced by the presentation of the embryo at the time of birth, and the pressure produced in the 1st and 2nd cervical, producing then an unequalized condition to the metabolism of the body, and this producing this spasmodic condition in the system - the prenatal effect being that of the inductive forces as are shown in the pineal thread in this prenatal condition. This being weakened, and pressure caused in the cervical, gives an unbalanced condition to the whole normal development of the entity, and of the responsive forces of same to the brain. Hence there showing, by the close examination of the body, this unalignment in 1st, 2nd, cervical; also in the lower portion of the cerebrospinal center, just below the ilium plexus. (4625-1)
The nerve system shows the strain as is brought to all centers by this inability of the system to keep its equilibrium, see? That is, when this condition of blood supply to the brain becomes overflowing, or over pressure, all the centers in nerve system relax, or contract, according to their own inflection from conditions under which that plexus is operating at the time such occurrence takes place. Hence, in this condition there are taut conditions along the spine, from the base of the brain to the brachial plexus. There are relaxed conditions in many frontal muscles, from the waist line down, see? Taut conditions in arms, drawing in all of those of the sensory system; affected at times, apparently, by eating; at others by those of the digestive system, or of the kidneys. ALL of these show how that this central nerve, from the pineal gland, runs through with the cord, as it were, in the spinal system, running outside, though, the spinal cord itself, though connected with same at the base of the brain and to the brain itself. (4678-1)
While there are many normal functioning conditions in the organs of the body, the reactions to many of the nerve incentives in functioning produce abnormal conditions, as is seen at times in the functioning of the sensory system some accentuation beyond the years of development, or of acuteness in perceiving the reaction from that sensory center. Yet coordination of these into the reaction to a normal use of same brings abnormal reactions, or, as may be seen, the equilibrium of the system, the metabolism of the system, is destroyed in reaction, the same as is seen in digestion, in functioning of the organs of the pelvis, in the functioning of the organs in many portions of body – the reaction abnormal. The cause - the pressures produced in the pituitary glands (side of the face here - head, see?), from pressure produced in the blood centers and nerve centers in sympathetic, connecting with the pineal gland in the 1st and 2nd cervical. (4816-1) [The prevalence of incoordination of sympathetics at C1 and C2 almost reminds one of why BJ Palmer was so fond of the hole in one.]
IN THE BLOOD SUPPLY, we find those conditions in the blood rebuilding forces that show how the pressure is produced on nerve system, and how that abnormal functioning is produced by such pressure, and in the constituents of the blood supply this produces also that condition in the nerve system. There is carried in the blood stream that element that produces the infusion that causes troubles in the functioning of organs in system. In the nerve supply, the elements in the plexuses about which pressure in produced, and in the sympathetic system and the junctions with the cerebrospinal, especially, do these conditions exist. Then, these specific centers come under the condition, with plexuses from other portions in system: The upper sacral, the 1st lumbar and 12th dorsal. In the 2nd, 3rd and 4th dorsal and in the 1st cervical. These conditions are the connections with sympathetic and cerebrospinal connection in nerve system, producing the lack of perfect coordination and equilibrium in distribution of blood pressure, and of nerve reaction in the body, and in the 1st cervical, pressure produces on the pineal nerve and gland that disturbance that comes from the pelvic connection with the pressure produced in sacral region. (4875-1)
Nerve system very good. Strain on the pneumogastric at the present time, produced by pressure in hepatic circulation, and in the hypogastric center especially, which brings the direct connection, or pressure on the center that leads to the base or through the pineal nerve. (5454-1)
Would the conditions be assisted, as has been outlined, it will require a very persistent and consistent action on the part of those that would build into this physical body that of the proper coordination between the mental and physical body, that the retraction and reaction as come from the mental being of the body, the normal functioning of the physical being, coming in coordination with the mental and brain reaction and building up within the forces those that will build this connection between the sympathetic, and cerebrospinal and sensory retraction in body. The added forces of those vibrations as given will bring this about. Now is needed the consistent use of same, and adding WITH that, that of the consistent manipulating of the centers as especially govern the central nerve system; also that of the pineal gland's connection with the brain forces in the 1st and 2nd cervical, and in the 9th dorsal and the 4th lumbar. These centers need especial attention. Manipulated osteopathically - that gentle massage over the body at least every other day. Do these consistently for the next thirty days, and we will find considerable improvement in this body, [5691]. We are through for the present. (5691-2)
THE NERVE FORCES, we find many centers that are taxed, and the perineurial of almost all centers in the sacral, illium and hypogastric plexuses show inflammation. These make pressure on those direct to the brain through the pineal nerve through the cerebrospinal and both branches of the sympathetic. Hence the body gives up. Does not fight against conditions, but rather gives in to the feelings, as it were. In the pressure on nerve centers, we find these through the genitory system, and through those organs of the false and the true pelvis cavities, so all of the organs of gestation have become involved, as those through the womb, through the ovaries and through the Fallopian Tube all show this inflammation, and the excess of the pressure that this brings on nerve system producing the taxation to nerve system, blood supply and all of the organs in trunk portion of the body. (5700-1)